Wellness Workshops

Wellness Workshops

Our Wellness Workshops are fun, interactive and hands on.

The focus is on making small and simple steps towards learning to enjoy a healthy way of life. We encourage positive lifestyle changes to avoid the negative consequences of chronic diseases.

Our mission for the Wellness Workshops is to educate and increase participants understanding of why it’s important to eat healthy, the benefits of being physically active and to gain knowledge about the importance of eating a variety of different food groups.

The goal is to promote ways of learning to enjoy a healthy way of life by teaching participants simple ways to begin eating healthy, and to have a more physically active lifestyle. A lack of knowledge could be the prime factor for many of our health problems like obesity, heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure and cancer.

Positive Learning Experiences

Participants are appreciated for their interest in attending the workshops. When someone attends a workshop it indicates that they are taking steps in learning how to enjoy a healthy way of life and to make the changes that are necessary. Participants learn from the facilitator, but also develop knowledge and skills from the hands on activities and by learning from each other's success stories and encouragement. 

The Wellness Workshop Series are held in the Spring and Fall months.      

Interested in attending a workshop?  Call us for more information or to register at 718-591-2000 Ext.1408 or email us wellness@jibei.com.


Here's what our participants are saying:

"I learned that I can eat small portions and be satisfied" - Martin R.

"I received a wealth of information in this workshop.  The facilitator was excellent, knowledgeable and made this class very informative and fun.  Most of all, I have learned how to properly read nutrition facts labels and know what it really means... This class made me want to live healthy and take the necessary steps" - Mary M.

"The class was very informative. I read the food nutrition labels now" - Robert R.

"After the lesson on How much am I eating?, I now measure my portions by using the measuring cup we were given to take home plus I'm using smaller plates at home". Lisa B-M.

"I learned what a healthy meal should consist of. I now think about what healthy foods I am going to eat on a daily basis. I learned a lot of things that I wasn't aware of in the class". - Fabio H.

"Before taking this class I was not aware of what some of the information on the label meant. I now have a better understanding of what the numbers mean, especially how to determine the real amount of sugar in foods and drinks". - Mary Lou C.

"I now dilute all my juices with water or seltzer water to reduce the sugar in my juices. Everything was explained very clearly and the activities made it all easy to understand. I'm going to recommend these workshops to my co-workers". Maria C.

"Since I started attending the workshops I now eat more vegetables". Angelica R.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What to do if I lose my medical eligibility?

JIB Medical does not determine eligibility, but is advised by Members’ Records. The PHBP restricts access to only participants in the PHBP for all JIB Medical services. If you lose eligibility, JIB Medical has to halt your medical care here. Information from your medical record is always available to you. Removing or restoring eligibility is not up to JIB Medical. Please discuss with your Union representatives or Members Records about what you can do to be reinstated in the Members Records active participants’ lists.

JIB Medical is not an urgent care center, but will be available to those who lose eligibility for 30 days after becoming ineligible and will help find a new doctor if desired.

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